Saturday, October 19, 2013

Ayo, isi liburanmu dengan Workshop seru : KOKORU/27OKT & KREASI DAUR ULANG/05Nov Jam 09.00-11.30 di Vihara Dharma Aura. Full hadiah kejutan, pin lucu, bahan workshop dan souvenir gift bagi peserta terbaik. Nikmati special dancing performance by GAB Vihara Dharma Aura. Info & Pendaftaran 08126553342, 081933271868 & 083199645560. Terbuka umum & Semua Usia !

Friday, October 18, 2013


(15/10) Selamat Datang di Vihara Dharma Aura,Sunggal. Bersama PaprikaIdeas hari ini kita akan belajar CLAY

Yuk, Brain Gym dulu sebelum belajar CLAY
Peserta workshop terdiri dari guru, pembina GAB dan siswa SD/SMP/SMA terlihat gembira mendapatkan goodiebag dan Pin lucu. Hanya Rp.50ribu full hadiah kejutan !
Kreasi clay yg diajarkan terdiri dari Buaya, Burger, Kepiting dan Kreasi bebas
Kreasi burger salah satu peserta. Diakhir sesi, peserta ditantang utk membuat kreasi bebas
Di sesi terakhir, peserta bebas berkreasi, ada yg membuat Angry Bird, Doraemon, Si Patrick, Cake, Pizza, Bunga, hingga Casper dan lain-lain. Hmm, kira-kira kreasi siapa yg menang ya ?
Semua kreasinya hebat-hebat, begitu ucap Ms.Maria, tapi yg terbaik adalah Cicilia dengan kreasi pizzanya.  Menurut Ms.Maria, meski ide Cicilia sgt sederhana dgn pizzanya, tp kerapian, dan warna tercampur dgn baik tanpa teraduk dgn warna lain. Selamat ya, Cicilia. Terus berkreasi dan berprestasi !
Acara ditutup dengan foto bersama & semua peserta memamerkan karyanya. Hasil karya boleh dibawa pulang, tinggal dikeringkan saja claynya, nanti akan mengeras seperti batu dan bisa dibuat menjadi gantungan kunci, bros atau pita. Seru kan ? Ikuti workshop berikutnya ya - KOKORU27Okt & KREASI DAUR ULANG05Nov. Info & Pendaftaran : 08126553342. Sampai ketemu diworkshop berikutnya!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Contact Us

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us by phone or you can send us an email 24 hours a day, and we will respond by the end of the next business day.

Bumi Seroja Permai 91J Medan
Line : PaprikaIdeas
 +87766378509, 083199645560

About Us

About Us

PaprikaIdeas is a social venture, acts as change agents for society and  drive social innovation and transformation in various fields including education, health, environment and enterprise development. RED PAPRIKA manages community development program, while to preserve the earth, we produce non woven bag to reduce plastic usage (GREEN PAPRIKA) and YELLOW PAPRIKA handles business events & trip organizing for enterprise development and its financial independence 

Welcome to PaprikaIdeas !

Welcome to PaprikaIdeas!

PaprikaIdeas is a social venture, acts as change agents for society and  drive social innovation and transformation in various fields including education, health, environment and enterprise development. 

Our division : 

RED PAPRIKA manages community development program and other social gatherings.

GREEN PAPRIKA, we produce non woven bag to reduce plastic usage and to preserve the earth 

YELLOW PAPRIKA handles everything from business events & other trip organizings for enterprise development and its financial independence. If you need help planning your next event, Bring it to yellow paprika where we can help you make it a huge success. At PaprikaIdeas each event is totally unique and original while using our experience takes all the stress away and brings your dreams to life. Because customer satisfaction always comes first for us, we are always focused on your idea of what it takes to make your event a success. Depending on your event we can recommend and provide the perfect location or environment, create a program with entertainment that is always appropriate and tasteful.